
I am a software engineer, web developer. I am passionate about building software, learning new technologies, and creating beautiful designs.


websites with
Framer Motion
Open AI

What's cooler than Beams?
Exploding Experience.

Problem Solver

Problem solving is a skill that can be learned and improved. It is a skill that can be developed over time.


I am a Full Stack Developer with experience in building web applications using React, Node.js, and MongoDB.

Animated Portfolio

A portfolio template with animations and transitions. Built with Next.js and TailwindCSS.

Collaborative Editing

Work together in real time with your team, clients, and stakeholders. Collaborate on documents, share ideas, and make decisions quickly. With our platform, you can streamline your workflow and increase productivity.

Real time changes

See changes as they happen. With our platform, you can track every modification in real time. No more confusion about the latest version of your project. Say goodbye to the chaos of version control and embrace the simplicity of real-time updates.

Version control

Experience real-time updates and never stress about version control again. Our platform ensures that you're always working on the most recent version of your project, eliminating the need for constant manual updates. Stay in the loop, keep your team aligned, and maintain the flow of your work without any interruptions.

Running out of content

Experience real-time updates and never stress about version control again. Our platform ensures that you're always working on the most recent version of your project, eliminating the need for constant manual updates. Stay in the loop, keep your team aligned, and maintain the flow of your work without any interruptions.

  • I am a Full Stack Developer with experience in building web applications using React, Node.js, and MongoDB. I am passionate about building scalable and maintainable software.
    DevelopmentMy Development Journey
  • My Problem solving skills have improved significantly since I started solving problems at LeetCode. I have solved over 800+ problems and I am still learning.
    Problem Solve at LeetCodeProblem Solver
  • Future Plan is to become a Software Engineer and work at a top tech company.
    Software EngineerMy Future Plan
  • I am a self-taught developer and I have learned a lot of things from the internet. I am always learning new technologies and improving my skills.
    LearningTools & Technologies